“Unbelievable: 66 Outrageous Student Excuses That Sound Too Wild to Be True!”
Me: So you haven’t got it?
S: No, I did it again but this time she threw it in the fire.
Me: So you haven’t got it?
S: I have, I just wanted to explain why it was burnt around the edges!
In middle school my locker mate got cancer and when they cleaned out his stuff from our locker they took my library book.
So Mrs.cook I didnt lose my library book the cancer kid stole.
“A crocodile ate my homework” i live in darwin australia and some of the students went to a lake after school one of their bags were taken.
I was actually the one giving my guitar teacher the excuse: “My cat vomited on my homework!”
He had given me drill sheets and I had left them on top of my guitar case while I went to have a shower. My poor old cat, who had major GI issues, had a puking episode on said guitar case and the pages were ruined. So I called my teacher and told him I would need fresh copies at my next lesson and wouldn’t be as well practiced as I had planned. My guitar teacher absolutely died laughing.
I had a student tell me her parents kept the bodies of 6 dead hamsters in her freezer. I called her mom and she admitted to it – apparently they were waiting until the ground thawed to bury them.
Was absent due to being stranded on an island during CA wildfires – all means of transport back to the mainland were being used for more pressing matters. Eventually he (and the group he was with) was evacuated by a police plane (he was camping; group was rationing out their food).
Not a teacher, but the student. Studied musical theater in college and woke up one morning with intense pain on right side. Hobbled the half mile from dorm to my tap class. Started to feel really really bad and said I needed to go the medical center. Tap teacher said I can go once I teach a combo I choreographed to the class for a test grade-keep in mind this is a college course from a private college I’M paying money to attend- Medical center said my appendix was likely inflamed and was rushed to ER.
Also had a chorale concert that day where the course rule is if you don’t sing you fail. All of my classmates literally had to convince the music director that I wasn’t lying and was literally waiting in the hospital for surgery.
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