“Unbelievable Animal Secrets: 78 Heartwarming Facts That Will Make You See Pets in a Whole New Light!”
But what if you come across a baby bird on the grass who’s fallen off his nest? Educator Elizabeth Manning writes that it’s best to leave as quickly as possible. Humans can pass diseases to wildlife, and vice versa. “In most cases, the parents are nearby and may be waiting for you to leave the area,” Manning claims.
Like humans, cows have best friends too with whom they like to hang out more often. And studies have revealed that they get stressed when they get separated from their besties.
Ants can form a giant ball to float during storms. The ants on the bottom will often survive too. They’ll either have an air pocket, or the ball of ants will rotate so that everyone gets a turn breathing.
Prairie dogs greet each other by kissing. This behavior allows them to know who their family members are and helps them to avoid interactions with strangers.
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