“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

More About Supersized Spiders




The Giant Huntsman spider is the world’s largest spider by leg span. Although not as bulky as the Goliath spider, the legs on a Giant Huntsman spider can reach up to one foot in length. The giant Huntsman spider is native to Laos and is believed to be a cave dweller. Huntsman spiders don’t build webs like other spiders, instead, they opt to hunt and although they are venomous, they are not considered to be a big threat to humans. There have even been instances where people have taken huntsman spiders in as pets. Huntsman spiders primarily only eat other insects, and occasionally geckos.


Gentle Giant




Although the blue whale holds the title for the largest creature on earth, and thus the ocean, the whale shark is the world’s largest fish. The whale shark isn’t considered dangerous and is even known to be playful and to let divers catch a ride on its back. The whale shark is generally found in tropical waters closer to the equator and is a filter feeder. Its diet consists mostly of plankton but on occasion, it may also eat small squid, small fish, and krill. The largest known whale shark was 41.5 feet in length and weighed 47,000 pounds.


The Leatherback Sea Turtle




The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle alive today and is also one of the heaviest reptiles in existence. Despite being a turtle, the Leatherback doesn’t possess a bone shell. Where most turtles have a shell, the leatherback has its skin exposed. On average, Leatherbacks measure 6 to 7 feet in length and can weigh between 550 to 1,540 pounds. The Caribbean holds the largest average size per region, with leatherbacks there averaging around 847 pounds. Little is known about how long leatherbacks can live but their diets consist of mostly jellyfish. They can be found in oceans all across the world.

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