“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"


According to the World Wildlife Federation, giraffes are the tallest terrestrial mammal in the entire world. The males regularly stand at five meters tall – the same height as a single-story home. What’s even more impressive is a giraffe’s massive heart – and we don’t mean they’re extra generous. The gentle giants have a heart two-foot heart and a blood pressure that’s up to three times greater than a healthy human’s. How else would all that blood pump blood up its insanely long neck?


Giraffes are so tall they actually have trouble standing up from a seated position, which is why you usually see them standing. On the plus side, they can nab the best leaves at the top of tall trees. Yum!


Frankie The Great Dane Is 2016’s Biggest Dog Ever




Frankie the Great Dane may look intimidating, but the seven-foot tall dog has a heart of gold. The England-based pup is also a record holder. In December of 2016, he was named the tallest dog in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records (but was overthrown in 2017 by Big George). This giant pup weighs a whopping 15 stone (210 pounds), and it costs about £100 ($134) a week just to satiate his massive hunger. His favorite meal? A whole roast chicken or peanut butter on toast. He also loves to eat sofas and has destroyed 23 of them throughout his lifetime.


The Biggest Butterfly In The World Is A Lady



Queen Alexandra's birdwing resting on a hand.


Butterflies may be tiny, but Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly is the largest of the bunch. This massive insect has an 11-inch wingspan – that’s almost an entire foot. It’s found exclusively in the tropics of Papua New Guinea and was discovered by a wildlife collector and naturalist named Albert Steward Meek in 1906.

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