“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

This Earthworm Is So Big People Thought It Might Be A Snake




In December of 2013, a photo of a giant earthworm started making rounds on the Internet. People claimed the worm was so big it had to be fake, but rest assured, it was real. The worm was discovered by Mickey Grosman after a 5,000 mile-trek across South America. He picked up this giant guy in Sumaco National Park, but wasn’t able to identify what the heck it was.


According to some reports, the giant worm might be Glossoscolex Gigantes, others think it could be a Caecilian, a legless amphibian. All we know is that it’s absolutely gigantic.


These Creepy, Crawly Bottom-Feeders Are Huge




They’re not quite a crab and not quite a pill bug, but they’re definitely related. Giant isopods are the largest creepy, crawly of the bunch. These bottom-feeders regularly grow up to sizes that exceed 14.2 inches in length. In 2010, a giant isopod clocking in at 2.5 feet long was pulled from the water. The weirdest part is that scientists can’t really figure out why these creatures are so big. The only clue is that their massive size might help them survive the excessive pressure at the very bottom of the ocean. Oh yeah, they’re also carnivores. Prepare to never sleep again.


A Whopping 36 Foot Great White Was Pulled Up In South Australia




Great white sharks are renowned for being, well, great. These sharks average a whopping 20 feet in length and 5,000, but they can get so, so much bigger. The two greatest great whites ever pulled from the ocean clocked in at a whopping 36 and 37 feet long, according to The Guinness Book of World Records. The biggest of the bunch was caught in Port Fairy, South Australia in the 1870s, while the smaller giant was caught in the 1930s in New Brunswick, Canada. Could you imagine the size of those teeth?

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