“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

Ludo, The World’s Biggest House Cat, Is Seriously Huge




Maine Coon’s are known as the largest cat species ever (and one of the oldest American breeds). The myth is that main coons were created when a brown tabby mates with an actual, wild raccoon. Though that’s completely impossible, you can’t deny their size. Ludo is the biggest of the bunch at nearly four feet long. Though his British mate Stewie (mentioned above) might have been a bit larger, Ludo currently holds the title due to Stewie’s tragic passing. This big cat would give some dogs a major run for their money.


This 222 lbs. Siamese Carp Is The Real Deal




It looks Photoshopped, but it isn’t. This massive 222 lbs. Siamese carp was pulled out of a lake in Ban Pong, Thailand after an epic, 90-minute battle. Tim Webb, the 57-year-old fisherman who managed to tame the beast caught the clunker by using bread and bran rice as bait (carbs really were his downfall).


After Webb took snapped this photo with two fellow fishermen, he released the majestic giant into his own fishery 25 miles from the lake. It took six people to lift the fish into his truck, and presumably, the fish proceeds to live happily in his new home.


This Massive 22 Lbs. Lobster Got A Taste Of Freedom




In the summer of 2017, this giant lobster finally saw freedom. Louie, the giant 22-pound, lobster was estimated to be around 132 years old. That’s far too wise to be trapped in a tank for 20 years, but nonetheless, he spent two decades inside a tank in a Long Island restaurant. His owner, Yamali, couldn’t bear to let someone eat the magnificent creature, so instead, he set him free. The town of Hempstead held an official ceremony to return the lobster to the wild.

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