“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

Lobster expert Bob Bayer, the executive director at the Lobster Institute in Maine, believes that Louie will thrive in the wild. What sorts of predators want to snack on a giant, 22-pound whopper with claws (besides people with a cup full of butter)?

Louie is half the size of the largest lobster ever caught, but far, far beyond the average three to four pounds of a typical lobster.


Things Are Kind Of Fishy With This Gigantic Goldfish




Though gigantic carp occasional exceed 90lbs, their smaller relative the goldfish isn’t really known for its size. Goldfish are tiny, but the truth is that they can get pretty massive in the wild. Many of us have the compulsion to dump our precious goldfish into the nearest lake when we no longer want to care for them, but that’s actually the worst thing you can do. This invasive species has few natural predators and keeps growing. Recently, a four-pound goldfish was discovered by researchers – a far cry from the teeny, tiny pet you won at the carnival last year.


Komodo Dragons Might As Well Be Dinosaurs




The dinosaurs are extinct, but that’s okay because we’ve still got the Komodo dragon. The species itself is millions of years old — a relic from prehistoric times when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. This giant creature is the world’s largest living lizard and the real-life dragon equivalent of our Game of Thrones favorites.


Though the mighty Komodo doesn’t spit fire or fly, it can take down prey as big as a water buffalo. It grows up to 10 feet in length and can weigh well into the 300-pound range, though average Komodos don’t often exceed 155 lbs.). The largest Komodo dragon on record was 366 pounds and a whopping 10.3 feet in length.

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