“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

This Huge Sheep Had 88lbs Of Wool




This sheep may have just been the biggest sheep in the world, but he lost a whole lot of weight. Chris, an overgrown Australian sheep, was fighting for his life after living in the wild for several years. His coat grew so wooly that he was barely able to function. The RSPCA admitted that once the big boy was sheered, he had lost 88 lbs. of wool.


Chris was so gigantic that he dwarfed the kangaroos that shared the open fields with him. He was four to five times the normal size of a merino sheep.


The Red Kangaroo Is Basically A Body Builder




You wouldn’t want to mess with a red kangaroo. Not only are they more muscular the worst of gym rats, but they’re super aggressive. Male red kangaroos can reach up to 5.9 feet tall. The largest one ever documented clocked in at nearly seven feet and 201 lbs.


In 2015, Roger the kangaroo took the Internet by storm. This giant red kanga was nearly 200 lbs. and could literally crush metal with his bare hands. At 10 years old, it’s likely that Roger will grow and outweigh the heaviest red kangaroo on record. For now, we still wouldn’t want to get on this guy’s bad side.


Bandit’s Thyroid Problem Made Him The Largest Raccoon Ever




Poor Bandit. His thyroid problem made him the largest raccoon on the planet. This playful 75 lb. creature was named the world’s fattest raccoon by the Guinness Book of World Records. Despite his health issues, Bandit was adopted by a loving family of dogs, where he was raised by a mother alongside a dog and her puppies. Eventually, he found a human home and settled down with a woman in Palmerton, Pennsylvania before his untimely death. Unfortunately, his thyroid problem eventually turned fatal, but at that point, he was already famous. He had a quick spot on the Food Network and was a regular at Ice Cream World, where he loved to drink slushies through a straw.

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