“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”
The Giant Percheron Stallion Named Moose
This enormous horse named Windermere’s North American Maid (a.k.a. Moose) is a draft horse and Percheron supreme world champion. According to the owners at Windermere Farms, Moose won many championships throughout the United States and Canada. They said, “We started calling North American Maid ‘Moose’ because he was always such a big colt. Now he stands 19 hands and moves with incredible action.” He was also used in their breeding program: “We feel Moose is the complete package in a Percheron stallion; one where you can acquire the size to be competitive in the show ring without sacrificing style.”
The Titan Longhorn Beetle Is 6.6 Inches Long
If you don’t like bugs, this one is probably terrifying. Titan longhorn beetles live in the rainforests of South America in countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and north-central Brazil. They are one of the biggest beetles on Earth. The largest Titan specimen measured 6.6 inches long! While Hercules beetles can be longer, they’re measured from their horn, which protrudes from their thorax. However, the Titans have much bigger bodies. Their mandibles are so strong they can cut pencils in half. They have strong jaws and hiss and bite to stave off predators. Adults do not eat; they search for mates.
This Crab’s Legs Are Insane
The world’s biggest crab is the Japanese Spider Crab. They live naturally around the waters of Japan and the span of their legs are larger than any other arthropod, reaching up to 18 feet from claw to claw. The body can grow up to 16 inches wide, and they can weigh as much as 42 pounds. In Japanese, they are called “taka-ashi-gani,” which means “tall legs crab.” They have an armored body to protect themselves from predators such as octopi. The Japanese Spider Crab are masters of camouflage and use shells, sponges, and other ocean elements to disguise themselves. These crabs are considered a delicacy.