“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

5 Foot Bismarck Flying Fox Of New Guinea




The Bismarck masked flying fox lives in Papua New Guinea and is named after the Bismarck Archipelago. They are the largest bats in the world. These animals are called flying foxes because of the fox-like shape of their heads. Their wingspan can reach as far as 5.25 feet but are typically just under five feet. It has pointed ears and no tail. They are one of the few species of mammals in which the males are able to lactate. They eat fruit, nectar, and flowers. They are unable to echolocate, but they have very good eyes. Their colonies can include as many as 200,000 bats.


From Runt To 245 Pounds




Giant George was dubbed the world’s tallest living dog by Guinness World Records. The Great Dane was 3 feet, 7 inches from his paw to his shoulder and nearly seven feet long. He weighed 245 pounds — about 100 pounds more than the average Great Dane. According to owners Dave and Christie Nasser, he was the runt of the litter. They explained on their website: “Eager to play … this big Great Dane was scared of water, scared of dogs a fraction of his size and, most of all, scared of being alone.” He died in 2013 just shy of his eighth birthday.


Holy Ham! This Chinese Pig Weighed 1,984 Pounds




Depending on the type of pig, they typically weigh anywhere from 100 to 240 pounds. This guy weighed over 10 times that amount! This humongous pig is from China. He was so big that he weighed a staggering 1,984 pounds. He was treated quite well during his short life — he only lived until the age of five. But he was fed high-quality meals and lived in a very nice pigsty. The Liaoning Provincial Agricultural Museum was so proud of the animal that they petitioned the Guinness Book of Records to get him listed as the biggest pig that ever existed.

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