“Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!”

"Unbelievable Beasts: Discover the Colossal Creatures Roaming Our Planet Today!"

Flemish Giant Rabbit Is As Big As The Family Dog




The Flemish Giant rabbit is a huge breed of domestic rabbit and is essentially the biggest breed of the species. It’s not uncommon for them to weigh as much as 22 pounds. The longest one on record was about 4 feet 3 inches long. Notice the one in the photo above — it’s just as large as the Collie it’s sleeping next to! While they can be wonderful pets, they are typically bred for their fur and meat. They have very nice temperaments and are docile. They were bred as far back as the 16th century in Belgium, and eat Timothy hay like normal-sized rabbits.


The Three-Foot Long Coconut Crab




Coconut Crabs are the largest crabs in the world. They are a species of the hermit crab. They can weigh up to nine pounds and grow 3 feet 3 inches in length from leg-to-leg. They live on certain islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and as far away as the Gambier Islands. Their meals typically consist of fruits, nuts, and seeds, but they’ll eat carrion and other things as well. They do not eat coconut very often even though the fruit is associated with their name. They only climb when they want to escape and feel they are in danger. Seeing one of these scaling your wall would leave anyone in complete terror.


Cinereous Vulture Has An 8-10 Foot Wingspan




These birds are the world’s largest bird of prey. They can weigh up to 31 pounds and have a wingspan of 8-10 feet. These large birds live in Europe and Asia. Females are slightly bigger than the males. They are also one of the world’s heaviest flying birds. The Cinereous Vulture is a largely solitary animal but occasionally live in pairs. However, groups with as many as 20 birds may convene to feed off of carcasses. Their diet consists mostly of carrion. Their status is listed as “near threatened” because of habitat destruction and due to eating poisoned bait used to kill dogs and other animals.

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