“Unbelievable But True: 67 Outrageous Work Perks That Left Employees Speechless!”
They signed a deal with a gas station chain, employees would get a certain amount off on gasoline/diesel. This was paraded out with a full company meeting and everything.
The price reduction was less than normal customers that got a card with that gas station chain.
So they had spent months working out a deal that was worse than what anyone could get by signing up at the gas station chains website.
I get free gym access at a local gym, but it’s not walking distance from the office and the free access is only up til 3pm weekdays… during which time I am working.
We were allowed to “buy out a day”. Meaning, we had 2wks of PTO, and if we wanted more days, we could buy a PTO day from the company. So I’d be paying $180 to not go to work for a day.
I was working at a shop and was actively pursuing a job as a teacher, which was not a surprise to anybody. I got the job with the understanding that when I finished my degree I’d be pursuing a teaching job.
I needed to come in late one day due to an interview. Literally just needed to be an hour late. Boss said “go ahead and take an extra 15.” I thought he was being nice. Turns out, dipping below 7 hours was what he needed to deny me a lunch break that day.
We got fake company “dollar” bills for good work or going above and beyond that we could save and spend for one time use “perks” like an extra break, some a company shirt or hat, or a vending machine snack maybe. The highest one was a pizza, and if you and your work crew put all yours together it could be a “pizza party”. Well me and my guys pooled ours together and ordered 3 of the most expensive pizzas we could every time we had enough bucks. They changed the rule after that to a $20 lunch that you needed a receipt and they would reimburse your lunch.
An escalator. The store had an escalator. They put that in the benefits section.
For Employee Appreciation Day, they offered free shipping on items purchased from the company store website. We are a software development company.
Direct deposit.. Like wow, do yall provide a free sh**ter also?
A few years ago I interviewed with a nonprofit and when asked my salary expetation, I said about a 10k raise from where I was at the time (which was also within their listed range so I thought it was reasonable). I was working for the state at the time, and since salaries are open, the hiring manager was able to find out what I make. She offered me a salary 1k more than what I was making, and on top of that I’d lose the state pension and have to pay for Healthcare out of pocket. She told me in our last meeting that she knew how much i made, and I should just be grateful for getting a raise at all.
In the same time frame, I got a 30% pay cut (everyone did across the board). I interviewed with another company, who I’d done projects with prior and knew pretty well. The manager offered me exactly what I’d been making before the cut. I’d told him about it, in confidence, because I knew and trusted him. He told me “with the paycut, this should feel like a raise.” I’ve happily been with another company that made me a great offer, and has consistently shown up with great raises and promotions, for 3 years.