“Unbelievable Clues: 49 Women Share the Bizarre Moments That Made Them Question If They Were Pregnant!”

"Unbelievable Clues: 49 Women Share the Bizarre Moments That Made Them Question If They Were Pregnant!"

When my husband woke up and discovered no half breakfast bagel he started to make a sandwich for an early lunch. I asked him to make me a sandwich too…

We decided to go to the movies and got a large popcorn and soda to share. The popcorn bucket was on my lap. My husband didn’t have much popcorn but an hour in he reached down into the bucket, and hit bottom. I had eaten the majority of the popcorn…

As we left the theater I asked my husband where we were planning on going to dinner and recommended a restaurant to him for an early dinner.

He look at me and asked me if I thought I was actually pregnant this time. “Don’t Say That!” I yelled.

Dinner at the restaurant was delicious. I also had dessert.

By the way, it was twins. They’re almost 15.

Artlawprod , Image by Freepik Report


49 Of The Strangest Ways Women Realized They Are Pregnant And The Test Only Confirmed It I was super flexible at yoga. I am not flexible at all. I remembered that once we had a pregnant woman in our class and our instructor told her to go easy because she had hormones that were making her flexible and she could injure herself.

I did the test and bingo.

Smart_cannoli , yanalya / Freepik Report

49 Of The Strangest Ways Women Realized They Are Pregnant And The Test Only Confirmed It My son’s daycare teachers told me I was pregnant when I was one day late. Based off my son’s behavior, they could tell. They were right!

centerforants1 , Image by freepik Report

49 Of The Strangest Ways Women Realized They Are Pregnant And The Test Only Confirmed It Missing my period usually made me suspicious.

But I could also feel my uterus had ‘hardened’ or firmed up, or something.

The first time I really suspected I was pregnant, I felt my lower abdomen and it did feel firmer. Turns out I was pregnant.

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