“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

me_name_jef1 Report


This happened to my wife.

She was getting her masters degree, and part of it was watching a nurse do a presentation on a baby she helped deliver 26 years before hand. This was done in a hospital on the other side of the US. As the nurse describes the case, my wife realizes that she was the baby this person delivered.

She walks up to the nurse and explained that the baby turned out fine. She literally made chit chat with the nurse who helped bring her here.

Morvack Report

The first time I traveled to another country.

I saw first have how similar people are. They go about their day, doing their best to have a decent life. Since then I’ve seen that in every nation.

Pac_Eddy Report

Person in my corporation moved to town and joined our site. We were talking, and we figured out that we were both camp councilors at the same camp in a completely different city, only one year apart.

pawned79 Report


I went to law school with a woman for 3 years and maybe had 1 class together. We were in the same Bar Prep group. It turned out she went to college 45 minutes from me and was mutual friends with a bunch of my friends from HS who went to the same college.

Gotta_be_SFW Report

My 4th grade teacher left halfway through the school year to start teaching internationally. She told me I know I’ll see you somewhere out there. My first international business trip I was walking through a stall street and guess who I ran into.

tdasnowman Report

Yup. I caught a flight to Sydney from the UK. Took a coach 10 hours up the East Coast. Got off at a random spot and was collected by the hostel owner which was a 30 minute drive to the hostel. It was the first week the hostel was open and wasn’t yet advertised. This particular hostel only had room for 10 people at a time. One of the random guests who was staying there worked with and was friends with one of my best friends back in the UK. Small world.

AboutTimeCroco Report


Moved to the western US while I was in high school, but I used to live in the Bahamas part time. One day, a girl from my class comes up and asks me if I know so and so from this tiny out island in the Bahamas. Turns out her and her family randomly ended up on the island I used to live on while they were on vacation. She ran into one of my best friends that lived down there, and he mentioned having a buddy who lived out west, and she tracked me down when she got home. Crazy how connections like that happen, but made me realize just how small the world can be.

HighSierraCO Report

My first ever day in America I went to the boardwalk in Santa Cruz with my brother. He ordered us a couple of chocolate dipped ice creams. One of the girls serving ice cream looked familiar so I shouted “Marie” a couple of times. My brother thought I had lost my mind from jet lag but she was a friend of mine from Edinburgh.

joss75321 Report


On the hour bus ride from my small city to the airport, I meet a girl who was taking the exact same 3 week backpacking trip as me but in the reverse order. We even had the same cross Atlantic flight there and back and got on the same bus home. Then we sat down and compared trips.

flpacsnr Report

I’m adopted (closed) but ended up contacting my birth mom about two years ago. She still lives in the town that I was born in and has 4 young adult children. My half brother found me on Facebook so we talk every now and again, but I’ve never met any of them in person. About a year ago I ended up moving to the town I was born in to be closer to my now fiancé.

On Sunday I was at a restaurant with my fiancé for lunch, look over and recognize that the woman sitting on the other side of the booth divider is my youngest half sister from my half brother’s Facebook pictures (I had messaged my half brother to see if she was at the same restaurant as I was at that moment). I’ve never been within 10 feet of anyone who shares half the same DNA as me.

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