“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

It was pretty wild.

thewritingdog Report


When I was in high school (I live in the US) there was a boy a grade above me that would talk to and flirt with me. That summer I met him I took a trip to spain with my family and one day we decided to visit a museum there. And guess who was also there lol. That really was the craziest “small world” moment I’ve had. The fact this boy I just met a couple months ago would also take a trip to europe and to the same country and to the same museum as me on that specific day blows my mind haha.

countbunula Report

Ironically happened in Disney world so cue the “it’s a small world after all” track. I got separated from my family and even though I could remember my moms phone number I was too young to understand what an area code is because I’d only ever called my mom locally. This was pre-smartphones so no looking it up. I got passed around to a few different employees until one asked me where I was from. I gave her the name of my random small town in NY and it turns out she had grown up in the next town over and knew the area code. Was able to call my parents and reunite with my family.

d_deflips Report


I used to live in a town of about 20,000 people in Connecticut. I love away to Colorado before 6th grade, and the same year one of my friends moved to Georgia. The summer before high school I was with my family on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard, off Massachusetts. One day while eating Ice Cream I saw my friend who had moved to Georgia ride his bike by me. We talked and it was the craziest small world moment of my life.

andrewej01 Report

I was talking to this girl online we were hitting it off then we kinda broke up and i was asking my other online friend for help, but the friend was the uncle of this girl and she was asking him for help too, but apparently she didn’t know that he was talking to me and he also didn’t know that she was talking about me until she mentioned it to him.
He felt super guilty, I was just major confused on what the chances are that, that would happen.

Lionaxe542 Report


About a year after graduating high school I was in another city in our state in the USA visiting a shopping mall when walking towards me was a classmate from my high school. We stopped and chatted for a bit, commenting on the small odds of running into each other there since neither one of us actually lived in that city. Soon after that I went into the US Navy and about three years later I was walking down a pier in Marseilles, France when the same classmate was walking towards me. The odds were much smaller for that encounter.

Glivo Report

Before I was born….

My father used to work for an international airline and he once got sent to Miami for a couple of months, where he befriended one of the bartenders in the airport’s bar. Less than a year later he got sent to Zurich and the first time he stepped into that airport’s bar the bartender greeted him like an old friend. At first my father just assumed that the guy was naturally like that, but after thinking for a bit he realized that it was the same guy.

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