“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

Send_Me_Dik-diks Report


A girl transferred into my school when were 10 years old and befriended me, and then started bullying the s**t out of me while still masquerading as my friend. I ended up getting her expelled less than a year after she joined the school because she was a troublemaker all round and I just happened to know the truth behind everything she did because she told me, on top of just wanting to report her anyway for how she was treating me. The second she got expelled, she promptly disappeared from my life, and I never thought I’d see her again. Fast forward 8 years later – I’m now 18, living in a different town, in college, new set of friends, haven’t seen anyone from my childhood in years. The b***h randomly shows up again, integrates herself into my friendship group and then f***s my boyfriend behind my back.

DearQueenie Report


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