“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

He continued chatting away about football til he dropped us off, remarking that France were due to play next but he didn’t like them because of “that f*****g Griezmann. Hate Griezmann.”

Any time we’ve watched a game with Griezmann playing hubby and I both shout “hate Griezmann!” in honour of our Serbian friend.

allaboutjb Report


72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” Went to New York for a weekend with my girl a few years ago, we were walking up the Empire State Building and walking down the other way was my ex-girlfriend from my small town that i grew up in and had not chatted to for years.

I grew up in a small town in Southern England, wtf?

HeadbangerNeckInjury , Afif Ramdhasuma Report

72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” I went on holiday near the Everglades in Florida many years ago. I support an English football (soccer) team called Scunthorpe United. We’re not really good and we are in the fourth division of English football, we’re not like Manchester United.

Me and my parents stayed in a holiday home, and so we went to buy some groceries at the local Walmart one evening. So I go round one of the aisles – and there is a kid wearing a Scunthorpe shirt! Yep, of all the shirts of a sports team, there is a kid walking around with my team’s shirt on. I was just ecstatic to say the least.

thunderfart_99 , Markus Spiske Report



72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” I was introducing a guy to replace me at work in a town I was leaving. We had never met before, but it turned out he had not only worked (briefly) at the new place I was starting at, but also grew up in the house next to the one we just bought there.

undecided_too , Muhammad Faiz Zulkeflee Report

72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and I moved to a tiny fishing village in Alaska for 7 years on an island with only 2,000 people or so. One day I get a call from my dad and step mom because they were on vacation in a small fishing town in Ireland named Cushendall and had run in to someone I knew. Apparently a random person on the street had heard his American accent and asked for some tips on places to stay nearby. My dad noticed that he was wearing a hat from the town I lived in and asked if he knew me, and he answered that he had just had dinner with me a few nights before all the way back in Alaska.

tonderthrowaway , Alina Rossoshanska Report


72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” I met my horse riding instructor (with his two ridiculously hot redhead twin daughters) while on a Cruise on the Nile. We are from Europe. We locked eyes with one of the daugthers and i’m fairly sure she recognised me. It was 20+ years ago and I still regret not having enough balls ( we were around 16).

chinchenping , Oziel Gómez Report

72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” I met a woman from Belgium at a party and asked her, as a joke, if she knew my childhood friend who had moved there when she was about 12.

Turns out that the lady I met at the party didn’t just know my childhood friend, but they were really close friends. party lady even put me and my old school friend back in touch.

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