“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”
My ex-MIL is from Trinidad. We are in the U.K.
I work in a hospital. One day a new doctor started on our ward. We get chatting and she mentions she is from Trinidad. I say something along the lines of ‘small world, MIL is from there. She asks for MIL name and starts laughing when I tell her.
It turns out MIL and the doctors family have been friends for about 40 years and come from the same small town.
It freaked me out a little to be honest – I mean, thousands of miles away from Trinidad, and they are from the same small town!!!
I used to travel the world for work. One trip I was drinking with this guy in an airport bar in Texas. A few weeks later, I walk into a restaurant in Maracaibo, Venezuela and I hear “Hey slider728!!!” It was the bar dude from Texas.
Met a guy from work in Verona, Italy. We were there on a trip just for a couple of hours only.. and I met him there on some random street. That was some crazy a*s coincidence.
I’m from Texas and on a mission trip to Thailand I met a man who knew about my broken toe from about 2 weeks prior. His daughters worked as the athletic trainer at my school and I had gone to see her to see what was wrong. I guess she though someone breaking their toe from kicking someone else was interesting enough to tell her dad.
My brother went to Florida with his friends family. He met this girl there, hung out with her the 2 weeks he was there (with his friend too). About 6 months later he goes to Moscow with my grandfather for a trip to Russia (this was 1991). He’s at a shopping plaza near their hotel, who does he see, the same girl from Florida.
A few years back, my family was at the beach with my father-in-law. The waitress at one of the places we stopped for breakfast was my father-in-law’s neighbor growing up.