“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

maxdps_ , Jonathan Petersson Report


We were on a family vacation in Greece. We met one of my mom’s former classmates while standing in line at a local attraction. The thing is, they were classmates in Romania, my mom lived in Hungary and the former classmate lived in the US and they haven’t met since graduation. And they both spotted each other in an instant too.

agilopika Report

I was interviewing to a job across the country, changing industries and everything. Well, the guy who was interviewing me, who would be my next boss, went to college 25 years ago with my previous boss from my current job, who had just left a couple months before. When I said his name dude’s face just lit up. They haven’t talked in decades.

And what makes it even more bizarre is that the city they went to college with is distant as f**k from both jobs. So they had 25 years of following opposite paths and careers just for me to end up in the middle and connect their lives again.

idontlikeflamingos Report


Yesterday, me and my friend were talking about developing a game, and he wanted to get as much help as possible to make a game. I happen to have a cousin that develops games, so I told him about my cousin. He had his mind blown when I told him who was my cousin. He told me he met my cousin multiple times and my cousin even worked with his brothers for a while. I said no f*****g way. Small world eh?

NRTHE2 Report

I grew up in Everett, WA. When I turned 22, I decided that I wanted to hitchhike America. In the beginning of my journey, I was in Sacramento, CA. I got stuck there, living on the streets for a while. I nice guy told me where I can find a good place to sleep for the night. He seemed familiar and genuinely nice. I took his advice and the next day, I was already on my way to LA. After my very, very long journey was over. I was 24 and back in Everett, WA. I went to visit a friend one day and just happened to look in his neighbors window. It was that really nice guy from Sacramento. Turns out we grew up down the street from each other and went to the same high school. This showed my that literally anything can happen and you will never stop being amazed with what paths you take in life, the places and people who come and go on that path.

bittersweetmischiefs Report


72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” My (half-)brother recently left his wife and got a new girlfriend.
Turns out his girlfriend is the granddaughter of our dad’s ex-wife. My brother was once the step brother of her mother. In theory, he could’ve been her (step)-uncle now.

Small world indeed.

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