“Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It’s a Small World!”

"Unbelievable Coincidences: 72 Unexpected Encounters That Prove It's a Small World!"

It still blows my mind to this day.

ClockwiseScide Report


See Also on Bored Panda

72 Moments That Made People Feel Like It’s Truly A “Small World” Travelled abroad the summer after 4th grade and went to a theme park that consists of 6 other parks, one of them being a water park.

I Spent the whole day playing around in the water and then I see this boy from class and from all the shock decide to hide behind my dad. I was too shy to say hi, so I just moved on. I wonder if he saw me too but we went to a school that was girls-only after 4th grade so I never saw him again.

8008135forLife , Pixabay Report

I had a fifth grade buddy in kindergarten. I also had a swim instructor. Imagine my uttermost shock when those two were related.

themightyanimales Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Traveled from USA to New Zealand and still managed to find someone from my hometown…

anon Report

Worked at an office with 800+ people. My step mom was talking to a relative in the UK about the fact that her sister’s ex-brother-in-law worked in Texas for a company that sounded like the same one I worked for. I looked up his name in the directory and he worked in the next section over from me and I’d pass him in the hall all the time just had no idea who he was!

new_cyclist Report

When I move over a thousand kilometers away from my hometown… and still ended up working with someone I went to highschool with.

Youpunyhumans Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I worked at an American school in Jordan and became really good friends with my roommate who also taught at the school. The school was pretty small, so we were close with most of the other teachers as well. My friend ended up moving back to the states and getting married, but we kept in touch. I started working at another school in Shanghai several years later. We planned to take a trip to Tibet with a group from my school over Spring Break. She came to Shanghai a few days early and one night we went to dinner at a local restaurant. As we’re enjoying our meal and catching up, I notice a couple that looked oddly familiar. I lean in to my friend and ask her to look. She realizes it’s a couple we worked with in Jordan. We remember their names and go say hello. When we go to the table I see that they’re sitting with two friends of mine from my current school. Turns out they had worked together at another school. The American school/International school community is very small.

bujomomo Report


See Also on Bored Panda

FB connections ALWAYS get me like that. Seeing friends from completely different circles and contexts that know each other…

teacherboymom3 Report

In high school I went on vacation to New Mexico one year and to Maine two years later. I saw the same classmate from elementary school both times. He had also moved across the country after 6th grade.

ndfk12 Report

Went on a heli-hiking trip on a glacier in New Zealand and our guide was from the same small town in Washington state that I grew up in.

spiderinside Report

When I was in Spain for 2 days (from Canada) and ran into my friend on the street, like literally could of ran into her. We both knew we were going to be there, but we both had vastly different schedules, and we both just happened to have an hour free time slot at the same time at the exact same place. It was a fun time.

Adventureisouthere3 Report


See Also on Bored Panda

At, um, Disney World. A thousand miles from home, I bumped into a sports acquaintance at Epcot.

LowerSeaworthiness Report

Not me but I read a story about a woman in the u.s. who had a special sweater with her name tag on it when she was young. It went to Goodwill or someplace and I think about 10 years later she was in the middle of Africa in a fairly primitive area and she sees this little kid with the same sweater on as confirmed by the tag.

pcetcedce Report

My next door neighbors. From my old state, moved into the house down the street from me.

I’ll see you in hot btw.

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