“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”
All I said was that if they split up while his daughter is still a toddler, it will minimize the damage. If he just “rides it out” it increases the likelihood that he leaves at a worse time, that he cheats, or that he just teaches his daughter that being miserable in your relationship is normal.
He then said:
“Ya but like, I don’t want her to wind up like you.”
Ah, yes, like a well adjusted dude who supported his mother and younger sibling after his dad abandoned his family, had to find his own role models and learn everything on his own, has become successful and prides himself in always being there for the people he cares about / who care about him, to the degree that I’m listening to his wasted a*s at 3AM on *my* vacation, and is the god father to his child. To be clear this is not his first like, “divorce only happens to *certain* people” kind of ignorant comment.
The next day he didn’t remember what he said and I live 6 months out of the year on another continent so I’ve just kind of let it slide but…friendship ending I think. But he was hammered, grew up extremely coddled in a wealthy 2 parent home…has no idea what he’s even f*****g talking about, so ya…trying to let it go. Not sure I will / can though. Unfortunately.
edit – not to mention the whole “only being into a certain race” thing is…not awesome. But that’s kind of a secondary issue.
We had a friend who didn’t smoke much weed we’ll call him Tom, we have a party, he smokes weed. Tom doesn’t feel good so he goes and lays on the couch to try to sleep it off.
We have another friend we’ll call Al. Al drinks a lot, to the point of incoherence… Like one time he shows up at a new year party at my house with a 60 year old lady that looks a lot like his mom, gets floor licking drunk and shits his pants.