“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”
“He’s just like you: only he’s actually hot. If I could I would f**k him tonight.”
Here’s the deal folks, I have no problem accepting that I am freakishly ugly. It’s been a running joke in our relationship about a -4 getting with an 8. But hearing her say that kind stung differently. I’ve thought about that night at least once a week since then and it was 5 years ago.
That he was in love with a 17 year old girl, and had been since he had met her at 12 years old. Guy was closing in on 40.
THIS is the kind of stuff you don’t tell your bartender.
Me and a friend were bar hopping and she started going on a rant about how the age of consent is to protect little girls from creepy men so theres no reason it should be used against women having sex with boys. She continued that if it wasn’t for prison she’d have sex with boys as young as would have her. She’s in her mid 50s. The whole time i was thinking “wow, I see now why the age of consent laws go both ways.”.