“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”

"Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!"

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks I was at a bar and was chatting with this married couple I’d just met that night. We’d both been drinking a fair bit, but the wife was probably the most drunk.

A one point this guy walks in and comes and sits with us as he apparently knows them. Shortly after, the wife and I go up to the bar to get another round of drinks and she says to me “well this is awkward. My husband is sitting next to the guy I’m cheating on him with”.

Why would you say this to someone you just met?

furetehoshii , Michael Tucker Report


41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks Was out drinking with an older relative who told me a story about accidentally killing a kid while serving in a war. Pretty f****d up story. I could tell it was really weighing on his conscience even 50+ years later.

Scry1Draw1 , British Library Report

The research team split 67 young adults into three groups. Two groups got placebo alcoholic drinks, while the third received real liquor. That group drank until their blood alcohol content (BAC) was around .09 percent, or just over the legal driving limit at that time. All three groups were asked to complete a task after drinking, whereby they had to identify flashing pictures. Each participant was asked if they answered the previous question correctly, incorrectly or was unsure. The researchers noted that all three groups made mistakes.

“People who were drunk were just as likely to admit their mistake as those who were sober,” said Bruce Bartholow, author of the study. He added that sober participants would slow down and adjust their behavior after an error. But the drunk ones carried on as usual, even after knowing they’d made a mistake. “People need to be aware of where they are drinking and who they are with to understand the implications of their possible actions,” warned Bartholow, seemingly addressing people like those featured on this list.

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