“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”

"Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!"

We went from hanging out every weekend to maybe seeing each other once a month after I found that out. It’s obvious they aren’t going to divorce and are both playing a never-ending game to see who can make the other more miserable and it’s just exhausting being around a couple like that.

I am dating his wife’s friend which is the only reason I ever see them anymore.

Kweschion , Lia Bekyan Report


41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks My mom: “You don’t understand, all my children are dead.”
Me: “I’m still here.”
Mom: “when everyone you love dies, it changes things. I’m not a mother anymore.”.

Throwawa876543 , Getty Images Report

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks I was in earshot but it was not told directly to me. My mom had a little to drink this thanksgiving and tried to whisper to my brother that he was her favorite. My brother was upset by it too and we called her out on it. Not that it does much good. She has dementia and I do a lot for her, but she still hates me quite often unfortunately.

Dessel90 , Karolina Grabowska Report

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks A former buddy of mine asked me how much I would charge him to kill his BabyMama. He mistook a prior mercenary career as something that I’d entertain. And funny enough. 3 people over the course of my life have actually inquired about that. F****n nuts.

StrongCulture9494 , George Dagerotip Report


41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks I personally regret telling my best friend I saw 3 witches executed by rubber necklaces while I was in the peace corps because they said I was lying. Sometimes it is better to say nothing.

Mwanasasa , Ave Calvar Report

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks My uncle shot my grandad when he was 5 years old. Dad told me drunk. My uncle has always been the most miserable cold person and it was that moment I realised why. Insane situation I wish I didn’t know about.

Edit: This was in the UK not America for people asking. Yes he died and I’m fairly sure it must have been an accident.

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