“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”

"Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!"

Trouble_in_the_West , Pablo Merchán Montes Report


41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks I am the king of being told by drunken friends/co-workers: “I USED to be so into you/attracted to you”.

And it’s always someone that I had a massive crush on at the time they said they were into me. So many missed opportunities.

Dark_Phoenix101 , Pablo Merchán Montes Report

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks Last year I went to a concert with my then gf and some friends. One couple had to cancel last minute, so my brother and one of gf’s coworkers came along.

Her coworker (married with kids) seems to have some projection issues when she’s been drinking (there were other examples, but this is what Reddit wants to hear). She started telling me about the various people in their work social circle who cheated on their partners, then told my gf that she wanted to f**k my (engaged then, now married) brother.

It made meeting more of their coworkers the next weekend much more awkward for me.

jugularhealer16 , Curated Lifestyle Report


See Also on Bored Panda

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks Someone told me once that they boinked their sibling, almost in a bragging manner.

They didn’t remember saying anything about it the next day, so I didn’t bring it up again. We haven’t spoken in a long time.

SmallTownKaiju , Hannah Wei Report

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks A recently-divorced groomsman at my wedding was slouched drunkenly against the wall of our dressing room as we were getting out of our tuxes after the reception, and blurted out…

“My greatest regret from my marriage is letting my wife f**k me in the a*s with a strap-on.”

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