“Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!”

"Unbelievable Confessions: 41 Wild Secrets Unleashed After a Night of Too Many Drinks!"

Which, to be clear, we’re all open-minded, progressive individuals so no biggie. But we weren’t expecting THAT, right THEN.

cujojojo , Heather Miller Report


See Also on Bored Panda

41 Shocking Stories That Slipped Out After One Too Many Drinks When I was 14, my sister told me that I was the product of an affair and that my dad wasn’t my real dad. I brushed it off bc she was very mean spirited and always said f****d up s**t growing up…4 years later my parents came clean about it all because my biological dad was about to get out of prison and was beginning to write letters to my mom telling her that he would find me and tell me himself if they didn’t.

Long story short, my mom was 24 and dad 45 when I was born. They got married only a month in and my mom had a one night stand shortly after in the parking lot of a club, it’s where I was created. My dad found out right away when she got pregnant and even though he was mad as all hell, he was desperately in love with her…he decided to raise me as his own and try to keep the family together (he was stuck in a mid life crisis at the time and had not dealt with his trauma or ptsd from fighting in Vietnam). I think he really loved having such a young, care free, beautiful woman to take care of.

Their marriage lasted only a few years after I was born but he stayed my dad and had split custody with my mom. Even paid child support. He is my guardian angel bc he is an incredibly stable parent and still around at almost 80!

Growing up I was always much taller and very different from him and to be honest, I questioned if we were related at times but never vocally. When they came clean and told me, it was very emotional day…cathartic for them both to finally tell me the truth. My immediate reaction was to hold my dad tight bc I felt so grateful he stayed in my life. Don’t think I could have done the same!

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