“Unbelievable Debate Twist: Trump’s Bizarre Quest for Harris’ Hair Sparks Outrage and Curiosity!”

In a world where political debates often resemble gladiator matches, it’s not every day that you witness a former president distractedly trying to extract a hair sample for DNA analysis right on stage! I mean, let’s pause for a moment: have we really reached a point where political discourse hinges on hair strands? The Onion’s latest satirical gem unpacks the absurdity of a debate where instead of discussing critical issues, one candidate decides to take a page out of a detective novel—undoubtedly leading us to wonder if he suspects the hair holds the secrets to the universe! “Trump Spends Entire Debate Trying To Pluck Strand Of Harris’ Hair For DNA Test” isn’t just a headline; it’s a bizarre commentary on how far we’ll go to grab headlines these days. So, grab your popcorn and let’s dive into this wild ride of political parody!

The post Trump Spends Entire Debate Trying To Pluck Strand Of Harris’ Hair For DNA Test appeared first on The Onion.

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