“Unbelievable Find: Amateur Fossil Hunter Uncovers 66-Million-Year-Old Mystery Beneath Denmark’s Shores!”

"Unbelievable Find: Amateur Fossil Hunter Uncovers 66-Million-Year-Old Mystery Beneath Denmark's Shores!"
Sea Lily

Alexander Vasenin/Wikimedia CommonsA sea lily similar to the one the prehistoric shark or fish may have eaten before vomiting it back up.

Dr. Jesper Milàn explained the remarkable finding in a press release from the museum: “It is truly an unusual find. Sea lilies are not a particularly nutritious diet, as they mainly consist of calcareous plates held together by very few soft parts. But here is an animal, probably a type of fish, that 66 million years ago ate sea lilies that lived on the bottom of the Cretaceous sea and regurgitated the skeletal parts back up.”

Overall, the discovery has provided researchers with a rare opportunity to examine the food chain of a specific region of the planet during the Cretaceous period.

“In technical terms,” the press release reads, “this type of find is called regurgitalite, and they are considered very important when reconstructing ancient ecosystems because they provide valuable information about which animals were eaten by whom… Such a find provides important new knowledge about the relationship between predators and prey and the food chains in the Cretaceous sea.”

After reading about the prehistoric fossilized fish vomit discovered in Denmark, learn all about the nightmarish footballfish. Then, go inside the stories of 11 unbelievable prehistoric animals.

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