“Unbelievable Insurance Nightmares: 50 True Stories That Will Leave You Fuming and Fearful”
My little sister was hired to work in a call center that processed denials. She worked from home during COVID. She doesn’t work for an insurance company they contract this out. People call in, they give their info (usually already on the screen from caller ID) she reads the script. She has no knowledge, no power, no ability to forward their claims to someone who does.
Literally her job is to be a warm body to read the script that says “no”.
People would be begging her, and she would be reciting the script and scrolling Instagram. She had no power, no way to escalate, no knowledge. And this is the person you call when your claim is denied.
I moved to Georgia and had to apply for Medicaid because my job didn’t offer insurance. I got an official letter stating, “You qualify for Medicaid. However, we are not going to give it to you.” Since Georgia had refused to participate in the Federal Medicaid expansion, I went without insurance for the next 2 years and almost died.
My wife’s doctor wanted her to get a 2nd type of breast screen since the mammogram didn’t get good visualization, and they didn’t like something they saw. The insurance company denied the screen, but had an appeal address. The appeal was right back to the insurance company, which, of course, denied it again. We were forced to shell out $1,000 out of pocket or just hope my wife didn’t have breast cancer. Of course, we paid, and nothing was wrong, but insurance companies do not care about doctor recommendations.
$1,000 is a lot of money, but I know there are literally thousands of cases that are worse than ours, and I know that someday, I might need this company that I’ve paid thousands and thousands of dollars throughout my life to be there to help, and they may just give me the middle finger and watch me die, and crow about their quarterly earnings to their investors the next day.