“Unbelievable Inventions: The Bizarre Secret Weapons That Almost Changed the Course of WWII!”
Sadly, Pyke’s story does not have a happy ending, with the eccentric genius ultimately committed suicide in 1948 by ingesting an entire bottle of sleeping pills and leaving a note to say it was intentional.
Expand for References
Johnson, Brian, The Secret War, Arrow Books, London, 1978
Davies, Alex, Well That Didn’t Work: the Rolling Rocket Bomb Designed to Kill Nazis Almost Killed a Dog Instead, WIRED, January 28, 2015, https://www.wired.com/2015/01/well-didnt-work-rolling-rocket-bomb-designed-kill-nazis-almost-killed-dog-instead/
Carlton, Genevieve, The True Story of the Panjandrum, A Disastrous Experimental Weapon of World War II, All That is Interesting, December 1, 2022, https://allthatsinteresting.com/panjandrum