“Unbelievable Medical Marvel: Surgeons Extract Rare Parasitic Twin from 17-Year-Old in Groundbreaking Operation!”

"Unbelievable Medical Marvel: Surgeons Extract Rare Parasitic Twin from 17-Year-Old in Groundbreaking Operation!"

After a two-hour surgery, the operation was completed without major complications, allowing the teenager to look forward to a brighter future.

An Indian Teen Undergoes A Rare Surgery

Delhi Street

Paula Rey/FlickrThe surgery took place in Delhi, the largest city in India.

The unnamed 17-year-old boy was born with the legs, buttocks, and genitalia of his parasitic twin attached to his chest. Though he tried to seek help from other doctors near his hometown of Unnao in Uttar Pradesh throughout the years, he was told the operation would kill him. Dr. Manish Singhal, who specializes in plastic, reconstructive, and burn surgery, told the Indian Express, “He consulted local doctors, but they told him that removing the limb could be fatal because it shared a common heart with him.”

However, when physicians at AIIMS took scans of the boy, they realized that the surgery was possible. So, on Feb. 8, the teen underwent the life-changing operation.

Dr. Asuri Krishna, who led the team of surgeons, told the BBC, “A mesh of shared blood vessels, nerves, and tissues had to be separated. Care had to be taken to see that none of the host’s organs or tissues were damaged.”

The 33-pound parasitic twin was supported by a blood supply coming from a vessel in the teen’s chest, and the boy’s blood pressure plummeted during the surgery because up to 40 percent of his blood volume flowed to the limbs. However, the operation was successfully completed in just two-and-a-half hours with no major complications.

Parasitic Twin

AIIMS/NDTVThe teen with the parasitic twin protruding from his chest.

The removal of the parasitic twin was an immense relief for the teenager, who had faced years of bullying. As Dr. Singhal told the Indian Express, “People often misunderstood him, and he felt isolated, spending much of his childhood alone.” What’s more, the limbs were receptive to pain, touch, and a change in temperature, making their existence particularly uncomfortable.

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