A study showed that millennial dads are spending three times as much time with their kids than their fathers spent with them.
One staggering fact from the study is that back in 1982, 43% of fathers admitted they’d never changed a diaper. Today, that number is down to about 3%.
You Hate Pigeons Being Everywhere? Blame Your Ancestors
Pigeons are so common in cities because humans domesticated them as early as 10,000 years ago for food. Humans continued to use them for other tasks, like carrying messages, into the 20th century.
When they were abandoned, they were already perfectly adapted for an urban environment.
Imagine How Different The Film Would Have Been Without Leo
Matthew McConaughey originally auditioned with Kate Winslet for Titanic and was confident he got the role of Jack.
However, Leonardo DiCaprio auditioned next, and James Cameron said every woman in the building showed up for the meeting, so he thought Leo might be the heartthrob lead he needed.
Don’t Take Medical Advice From TV Doctors
A team of Canadian medical researchers and doctors watched 40 episodes of The Dr. Oz Show in a study and concluded that nearly 40% of the medical advice is not evidence-based and 15% goes directly against evidence.
Don’t believe everything you see on TV.
Dogs Have Always Been Man’s Best Friend