Syndrome K “patients” were quarantined, and the Nazi soldiers were told that it was a deadly, disfiguring, and highly contagious illness. They saved at least 20 lives.
Thomas Jefferson Was Truly Petty
A French scientist named Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, wrote in a book that American wildlife was physically inferior to European wildlife.
Thomas Jefferson was so offended that he got a group of soldiers to find and send the scientist a moose from New Hampshire to prove the “stature and majesty of American quadrupeds.”
Parrots Who Save Lives >>>
A parrot named Willie alerted his owner, Megan Howard, when the toddler she was babysitting began to choke.
Megan was in the bathroom, so the parrot began screaming, “mama, baby!” while flapping his wings as the child turned blue. Megan rushed over and performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving the girl’s life.
If Only Fido Didn’t Love Smelling Butts
The reason dogs get sprayed by skunks so often is that skunks lift their tails as a warning, but dogs see this as an invitation to go smell their butts, which is the exact opposite message from what the skunk is trying to convey.
We still love dogs, though.
“I Would Like To Thank The Academy…”
Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar award in the bathroom at her house so her guests can hold it and make acceptance speeches to themselves in the mirror without feeling self-conscious.
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