“Unbelievable Miniature Marvels: 80 Tiny Discoveries That Will Leave You Amazed!”

"Unbelievable Miniature Marvels: 80 Tiny Discoveries That Will Leave You Amazed!"

This is particularly important for fields like medicine. After all, if one is going to be putting something inside another person during surgery, it should be as fine as modern science allows. A nice side effect is that they are also more portable and, overall, use fewer resources to manufacture.


Of course, a tiny cucumber or carrot has nothing to do with miniaturization, unless it was intentional, and a lot more to do with an issue that has plagued humans ever since we decided that chasing animals was not a great lifestyle – soil quality. In short, putting some seeds in the ground is almost never enough.


Contrary to what some folks believe, growing large fruits and vegetables isn’t a sort of “fire and forget” job, the plants, trees and bushes need to be constantly maintained. This includes constant checkups, keeping the soul moist, protecting them from the elements and fertilizing them regularly. In short, some dirt and seeds are not going to be sufficient.



A Continental Breakfast. I Make My Roommate Mini Versions Of What I Eat Because He Always Says He’s Not Hungry

A Continental Breakfast. I Make My Roommate Mini Versions Of What I Eat Because He Always Says He’s Not Hungry

Mako-Energy Report





See Also on Bored Panda


See Also on Bored Panda


I Know I Should Be Eating Less Carbs But I Can’t Resist Toasted White Bread 😂 Fun Fact – We Baked The Homemade Bread From Scratch… It’s Edible! 😁⠀⠀⠀

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