“Unbelievable Misinterpretations: 60 Movie Moments Where Viewers Totally Missed the Mark!”

"Unbelievable Misinterpretations: 60 Movie Moments Where Viewers Totally Missed the Mark!"

SayNoToStim , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My mom thought *Rogue One* had a happy ending because “they were hugging in front of a sunset” at the end of the movie.

reality72 , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My ex girlfriend only realised halfway through Schindler’s List that Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes were different people which I found so hilarious as the film must have seemed totally different in her mind. So yeah, the hero of a film about the Holocaust being an enthusiastic Nazi casually murdering people and being generally evil.

Nothing_Is_Revealed , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie Watching Titanic in a cinema in the West End of Glasgow. Ship hits the iceberg, girl behind me says “Aw, it’s gonny sink.’

To which her date replied with absolute confidence ‘Na, it willnae’.

ShakeUpWeeple1800 , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie I remember someone once saying that “Scar from the Lion King isn’t evil because he is a lion. Wild animals can’t be evil, they’re just acting on their nature.” Bro kind of forgot the whole “anthropomorphic talking animals with human like thoughts and morals” part I guess.

Heroic-Forger , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie When I was young I watched the first 15 minutes of Zoolander from the hallway when I was supposed to be in bed. For many years after, I thought people regularly died in freak gasoline accidents.

TheDadThatGrills , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie The BEST is the famous TV Guide plot synopsis in 1998 for “The Wizard of Oz”

# Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again.

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