“Unbelievable Misinterpretations: 60 Movie Moments Where Viewers Totally Missed the Mark!”

"Unbelievable Misinterpretations: 60 Movie Moments Where Viewers Totally Missed the Mark!"

karatekate , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie Someone once told me they thought *The Matrix* was about a guy learning to code and getting really good at VR.

GreerKathi , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie It’s not the entire plot, but when we watched the last Harry Potter movie a friend thought Snape wanted to see Harry’s green eyes again as he died because they were the color of Slytherin house.

Scondiac , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie A girl I used to know went to see The Village and thought she figured out M. Night’s twist when she leaned over halfway through the movie and whispered to her friends “*I think she’s blind!*” about Bryce Dallas Howard’s character. She thought it was a secret because she wasn’t wearing sunglasses.

Meanwhile, she figured out the ACTUAL twist and thought it was “common sense”. People on the spectrum will always surprise and amaze me….

TheLoneliestGhost , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie I watched the Fellowship of the Ring in the cinema when it first came out. As I got up to leave at the end, two teenage girls who had been sat behind me started talking to each other:

“So, did they get rid of the ring or not?”

“Yeah, they threw it in the fire right at the start”.

TimmyMTX , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My adult siblings were watching a movie at my mom’s house. My mom falls asleep, always. In the move they were going extract a person from someplace. My young niece asks what extract means, my mom wakes up briefly at that time and says” they are going to pull all his teeth out”. So from that point on, everyone was waiting for that to occur.

Illustrous_potentate , Natalia Blauth / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie when i was a kid and i saw Hunt for Red October and i didn’t know the definition of “defect” … i had no idea what was going on the entire time.

JimmDunn , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie I knew someone that thought Thanos snapping his fingers just sent a bunch of people back to their home planet.

xqlfg , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My sister in law asked if ‘The Martian’ is based on a true story…

hpw84 , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie I’m reminded of that time Ricky Gervais said when he was in school they watched Animal Farm and were discussing fascism etc and one other guy said ‘you lot are ridiculous overthinking it, it was just a nice story about some animals’.

hoginlly , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My friend being critical of Apollo 13 saying, “They just want their Hollywood ending with that finish”….WOOSH!!!!!!

Delex31 , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie Someone on here talked about his friend really hating on district 9. When he asked his friend why? His friend said they are just some disgusting bugs. Who cares if they die.

0BYR0NN , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie In my high school history class we were talking about The Notebook one day. Someone mentioned the couple dying at the end and a girl started SOBBING. “They died?? I thought they fell asleep!” .

girlwithdadjokes , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My step-dad paid so little attention to Fight Club that he thought it was a murder mystery about who’d killed Robert Paulson.

speckleshell , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie My FIL is a retired nuclear engineer and when he heard about the new show Big Bang Theory he literally canceled an appointment, prepared with snacks and drinks and sat down to watch “the science show.”
His face was indescribable. What was icing on the cake was that he and Sheldon share quite a few traits.

BeanDom , imdb Report


60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie Lord of the Rings, the two towers. My dad forgot most of the first movie. He didn’t realize there were 4 hobbits. He thought it was the same 2 hobbits in every scene. We didn’t take him with us to see the 3rd film.

SMRTFireGuy , imdb Report

60 Times People Completely Missed The Main Plot Of The Movie I don’t know if this counts, but my sweet angle of an aunt rented (years ago) Silence of the Lambs thinking it was a *Christmas* movie. This remains one of my favorite family stories.

When asked when she realized when it wasn’t a Christmas film, she simply stated “towards the end.”.

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