“Unbelievable Nature: 70 Jaw-Dropping Moments Where Wild Animals Break All the Rules!”

"Unbelievable Nature: 70 Jaw-Dropping Moments Where Wild Animals Break All the Rules!"

Image credits: TemperatureTop246

#62 How Sad

Image credits: verochamorro

#63 Almost Made It All The Way Home Safely

I get off work at 5 AM and it had been snowing throughout the night, and the plows hadn’t gone through yet. I had just recently gotten new tires but still wanted to take it safe considering it was normally a 20-minute drive in clear conditions. Got within 5 miles of home when I lost control in a roundabout and slammed into the curb. Still haven’t gotten to figure out just how bad the damage is, but I took one look and decided it looked expensive.

Image credits: -Just_Q-

#64 My Neighbor’s House Was Condemned Because They’re Hoarders, So They Decided To (Illegally) Live In Tents In Their Backyard

We had crazy hurricane-force gusts of wind up to 70 mph last night. This is what their yard looks like now.

Image credits: TopGinger

#65 My First Time In Florida/ Miami Is The Day Of Massive Flash Floods

I work as a traveling machine repairman and got sent down to Miami (I live in Georgia and was working in Wisconsin earlier this week) to work on a pair of CNC routers. Yesterday I got one close to done, but today I couldn’t continue due to the floods. The gate actually got stuck closed so I was trapped. I feel horrible for the customer, they are very nice and lost a lot of product to the water, and several machines are most likely going to have water intrusion. Thoughts and prayers to everyone here, the floods delay me but they’re absolutely going to really hurt some people. Nature’s cruel.

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