“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

I’ve heard several “I saw a monster on the side of this mountain road one night” stories that were almost certainly a deer with progressed chronic wasting disease. It’s very sad but also quite fascinating, if it wouldn’t gross you out to read about.

incompetentegg Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night I used to date this girl who lived in a house in the middle of the woods and her driveway was like a mile long single car road. I was driving up it around midnight to go home and my drivers side window exploded and showered me with glass.

Turns out a deer had rammed into the driver side of my car. Completely destroyed that side and I had to get out of the passenger’s side. I never even saw the deer, I assume it ran away but there was a perfect hoof print in one of the doors

Edit – spellin’.

mrbeefthighs , silent_pm/reddit Report

Maybe not scary but I was driving home in the middle of the night years back and a meteorite came into sight and lit the entire sky up like it was daytime for a few seconds. Pretty crazy to see and it had landed a few hours away from where I was.

bigpapahugetim3 Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night I’ve got two.

First, I was driving home from visiting family late at night. I was on a 2 lane highway in the middle of nowhere. Farms all around and spotty cell phone reception. If you didn’t have headlights on, you couldn’t see anything. My radio started cutting out and my headlights started getting dimmer all of a sudden. I turned the radio off and was just listening to the silence as my headlights were getting worse and worse, when all of a sudden, I hit a huge bump in the road. My radio came back on LOUD and my headlights were at full brightness. It was the weirdest car thing I’ve ever dealt with. But I would have been screwed if I’d broken down out there.

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