“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

Second, driving home from a friend’s house in the city at 2am. As I’m coming around a corner I see this creature crawling along the road. It was definitely larger than a raccoon, but smaller than a medium sized dog. It was moving slowly and sort of wobbled as it walked. I slowed down because I wanted to see what on earth it was. As I get up along size it, it scurries directly toward my car and I stepped on the gas. I looked in my rearview mirror and nothing was there. Still not sure what it was…

nannerdooodle , Luis/unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night Im from the north eastern part of Pennsylvania, far into the Appalachian wilderness. Theres a marsh not far from my house thats locally famous for having a large black mountain lion living in it. Everyone from out of the area says mountain lions don’t live in Pennsylvania, but several people in my town have reported it, including local wildlife experts. I dont know how I feel about it, but it scares me just the same.

I was driving home one night late from work and decided to take my old Hyundai Sonata through the marsh road instead of the slower way through town. On either side of the road, tall cattails and goldenrod blocked vision beyond about 20 feet. At the edge of my lights I saw something slink across the road, and figured at first that it was a dog. So I pulled up to where it entered the reeds, rolled down my window, and called out to it, saying something along the lines of “here boy”. I heard a deep growl followed by a terrifying shriek/scream noise. Then I saw a a pair of eyes reflecting in the bushes, walking for the car. I gunned the gas and drove the rest of the way home without stopping.

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