“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

I dont know what I saw or heard that night. It could’ve been a few different animals making noises at the same time I suppose. I’ve hunted and trapped for years and know what bears, foxes, coyotes etc sound like, and it didn’t sound like any of those. I’ve always told everyone that I had seen “The Cat” that night, but in all honesty I dont know. I dont walk unarmed through that part of the marsh anymore though.

a3452 , Geranimo/unsplash Report

Years ago, my then boyfriend was taking me home around 11p.m. We’re on a tiny back road on the middle of nowhere, known for little to no cell service.

Oil light comes on, car starts sputtering. We pull off. Get out, start walking around to get cell signal, and nada.

Out of nowhere we see headlights and what appears to be a cop car from a few towns over pull up. Very nice guy (unusual for the cops around here), asks us what’s wrong and immediately says not to worry. He pulled out 2 quarts of the oil we needed from his trunk, and instructed us to get out of the cold and in to the car

Boyfriend and I are talking amongst ourselves in the car with the hood still up, when we realize we haven’t seen him come back to his car that was parked across from us.

And then we realize there is no car.

Or a cop.

But there was a single leather glove laying across the valve cover, and enough oil to register on the dip stick.

Thanks Ghost Cop.

taterthot1204 Report

I was driving to a friend’s house during a storm once when I was about 17, almost 18 years ago. The storm was already bad and getting worse by the minute.. this was in west central Texas, where the storms are known to kick up ferociously. Anyway I’m going like 10 miles an hour, trying to see through the storm, when all of a sudden everything stopped. The wind, the rain, everything. During that quick break in the storm, I saw a golden-orange mist, in the shape of a person, move in front of my car, from the right curb to the left… as soon as it approached the left curb, it disappeared, and the storm came back in full force. I’ll never forget it, even though it only seemed to last a few seconds.

omylizz Report

Once I was traveling in night when I saw something unexplainable thing. A bike without a rider. First I thought it was a illusion or a prank. After watching it for sometime I came to realise that it was definitely running without a driver. I got shocked and went my way. Recently I came across a youtube cctv footage recorded from a phone camera type video where I found the exact same thing. A bike running on the street without a rider. I have no idea what it was.

indibekar Report

>When driving at night, what is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?

Huge truck with no lights and all reflectors covered with mud, stalled in a shadowed patch of darkness totally blocking the right lane of a lonely country highway with no shoulders.

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