“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

A wall of invisible steel waiting to k*ll some less observant motorist.

MegaSillyBean Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My brother and I were driving down a super remote road late at night many years ago. Wildlife was common so we drove slower than was posted. An accident could be fatal on this road. Anyway, it was a particularly dark night so we had the high beams on and were really concentrating on the journey.

We saw it at the same time. It was impossible to miss. My brother hit the brakes and we skidded to a stop in front of the biggest f*****g cow on earth. We could have driven under it with room to spare. It was massive. And it stared at us without seeming to see us. The vibe was so creepy. Other cows were around but they were regular sized. This guy was the king of all bovine.

It doesn’t seem all that weird when telling the story but something was just off with this creature. It didnt seem quite…natural.

taikalainen Report

I was working a night shift and rode a moped to work, the headlight was fairly dim but on the way home I saw what I can only describe as what looked like.. black pants, floating slowly just overhead but making a walking motion as they passed, I got a good look and I still cant make heads or tails of what it actually was and I sure as f**k wasn’t going back to double check.

Thereisnoyou Report

This was probably 15 years ago. My best friend in high school and I were out late. I don’t remember why. Being dumb teenagers.

Anyway it’s like 1am and we are taking the normal shortcut road back towards her house. Suddenly I see I’m the ditch to my right something lumped and white. It takes about 1.8 seconds for me to realize it looked just like a body lying face down. I say to her “Did you see that in the ditch?! Was that a body?!” She says “I was about to ask you the same thing what the f**k?!” So she turns around at the stop sign up ahead and goes back. We can’t quite tell from the opposite side of the road if the body was still there. So down we go and turn around again. This time we are just crawling along searching the ditch.

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