“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

Somehow we both glance up into the trees on a small hill above the ditch and we see it. A person in a white shirt and dark pants crouched next to and slightly behind a tree trunk staring at us. We scream bloody murder and she tears a*s out of there and we speed so hardcore back to her house I don’t know how we didn’t die.

When we calmed down the next day we figured it was someone running away? Either was in pretty sure that experience took a year or two off my life.

DillPixels Report

This was back when I worked as a manager at a certain chicken chain of restaurants around 2016. We had to stay later than normal cleaning flour and water stuck to the floor. I had a coworker who was kind enough to stay a little later to help close in exchange for a ride home which I gladly agreed to. We finish up and he’s giving me directions on where to go and I end up driving in a part of town I didn’t recognize. A whole lot of farmland and open fields that felt scarily empty. It must’ve been around 1:30 AM by the time I dropped him off.

I start taking the empty rural road back, feeling a bit sketched out. As I get close to approaching where the traffic lights are that’s when I notice them. There was a group of around fifteen or so people fist fighting on the road. They looked like the stereotypical description of a Latino gang member. Long white shirts, dickies, mustaches, bald heads, you know the look. The thing is they all looked identical. It felt like I was watching clones fight amongst themselves to decide who was the real Hector.

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