“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

GerthyGreg Report

When I was 17 my best friend & I drove to a rural town about 1.5 hours away. We were talking to cute boys that lived there and were invited to a party one weekend.

On the drive back home it was dark and started snowing, like hard. I was young & hadn’t been driving for very long and started to get freaked out. We hadn’t told our parents we were driving to this town, it was pitch black, and the snow started sticking fast. At the time I had an 8-year-old basic little sedan that didn’t do great on slippery roads. A semi-truck came up behind me and clearly wanted to pass, but it was a two lane road and I don’t think it was legal in that area. After a few minutes, they started riding my a*s so aggressively I panicked and hurriedly pulled over to the side when I saw a wide enough space. All I could see was what my headlights could reach – and all of a sudden a big animal appeared in my headlights just as I was angling my steering wheel to the side of the road. If I would’ve gone straight another 10 feet I would have hit it. It was a live animal, but under the circumstances neither my friend or I could tell what it was. We guessed maybe a cow. If I would’ve hit it, it would have really damaged my little car, in a blizzard, in the pitch black, at 17 years old, in a rural area, when my parents didn’t know where I was.

tl;dr I wonder how I didn’t die in my late teens.

anon Report

I had just gotten back to the high school after a state dance competition. It was 2am and I’d been up since 4 that morning, so I was extremely tired. I only had to drive 7 miles from the school to my house, and it was a very rural area, so I figured I’d be fine, but I was exhausted. About 1 mile in, I started to see shadowy people walking on highway. Scared the c**p out of me.

The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed that morning. I went outside and found my car in the driveway, turned off but still in drive, with the keys in the ignition. I still don’t know exactly how I got home. That said, I am known for sleepwalking. Yikes!

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