“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
Driving on one of the reservations in New Mexico and came across a car completely stopped in the left lane. We slow down to pass the car and see the victim of a hit and run in the road in front of the stopped car (it wasn’t them, they stopped when they came across the body). We pulled over, my Dad and husband got out to see if they could do anything. Unfortunately he was long gone and others had called the police. We didn’t witness the accident and couldn’t help so we left so that we wouldn’t be in the way. The worst was that we still had a few hours left of driving that night. It was super foggy and I was terrified someone was going to jump out into the road from out of the fog.
When I was in High school we used to drive out to this graveyard outside Hobart in Indiana. Middle of nowhere and at night it would be dark as hell. There was an angel statue in the middle and if you got close to it, the temperature was supposed to drop. (It DID seem like this happened but I’m sure its just the atmosphere.
Anyway, like 10 of us go, get scared, walk around, have a good time. We leave (we had 2 cars). I’m driving the second one and being dumbass 17 year olds, I’m following the girl driving the car in front of me pretty close. It’s a backroad, not well lit, no other cars in sight. It’s late as hell.
All the sudden she swerves all the way into the other lane and panicking, I swerve too thinking there’s a deer. Nope. Not a deer. There is a f*****g tombstone in the middle of the goddamn road. Sounds like the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard but I swear it. Listen, I don’t believe in ghosts, don’t believe in heaven or hell, none of that…but I know what I saw. 9 other people saw the same thing. We talked about it recently for the first time in years. I think we all kind of mentally blocked it out.