“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"


7wordsKvothe Report

Im going to preface by saying we were all on acid but…An old lady wearing all white walking down a very wooded road with a very old cemetery near by…I thought I hallucinated it till someone else in the car asked if we saw it too. All 4 of us saw it. The old lady was so out of place and we literally spent the whole night driving up and down that one road never seeing her until it seemed like she appeared out of nowhere.

Mugwartherb7 Report

See Also on Bored Panda

This didn’t happen at night, closer to the evening, but I’m still not quite sure how to justify what had happened.

I live on a backroad in the country, so when I need to head to town, I almost always end up having to pass by an Amish carriage. It’s a common occurrence, and they’re usually friendly and pull as much to the side as they can to let cars pass them by, but this one was going unbelievably slow. So I came up behind them, checked to make sure it was clear, passed by, and I very vividly remember looking at them as I passed in my rear view, looking ahead to the road, and then looking back in my rear view to see that nothing was there. No horse, no carriage, no roads to turn on nor hills to cut off my sight. One second they were there, the next they just weren’t.

Not sure if I’m going insane or if this belongs in a spooky subreddit, but I’m still a little creeped out by it everytime I drive by that spot.

MistahLlama Report

Me (f24 or so at the time) and 3 of my girlfriends were driving from Sydney city to a rural country house for a chill weekend back in about 2006. Everything was normal, we got more and more rural and deeper into the countryside towards the end, it was dark, the road was almost invisible, so twisty and turny and we were all getting more and more anxious as we didn’t really know where this house was and it felt like we were driving into nowhere. Totally isolated. The suddenly as we slowly twisted and turned down this black road we could barely see, this haunting creepy horror-like music started playing from NOWHERE. Like haunting organ funeral music. Radio was off, it was no ones phone, it seemed like it was inside the car. If lasted about 1 minute and ended. We all heard it and it was creepy as f**k. To this day I don’t know what it was.

Splungetastic Report

My young wife and I were moving between cities. We’d spent all day loading a large 16-ft. trailer with all our belonging, and began the drive across the state just before dark. I’d borrowed a large pickup truck to pull the heavy trailer to our destination, so the combination of this truck and trailer (fully loaded) was VERY heavy, and pretty slow and cumbersome to start and stop.

We were traveling along a very desolate stretch of highway at around midnight, driving roughly 60-65 mph, when I see what looks like a couple of deer walking out into the road ahead of us…maybe 200 yds ahead? My wife is asleep on the seat next to me. I begin to slow down a bit and lay on the horn to scare the animals off the road before we reach them. Where we live this is a pretty common occurrence, so I’m not slamming on the brakes cause I expect these deer will move well before we get there. They usually do.

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