“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
I was driving to work, chatting on the phone with my wife to pass the time (6-8 hour drive out to the base from our home) and ahead of me was somebody riding a motorcycle. The road we were on was generally straight (Mojave desert) but had some unpredictable curves because of the road loosely following a broad wash/lake bed (like we’ve discussed, Mojave’s desert.) the person ahead of me was going between 70-90 MPH and seemed generally familiar
With the road. But, then they just sailed straight over the edge of a 45 mph curve going about 80.
I made some reactive, disgusted sound, and hung up with my wife. I immediately pulled over, called 911 and put them in my pocket, got my trauma kit, and put on gloves. I was talking to the dispatcher and explaining what had happened when I step over the bank and see, to my surprise, not a crumpled body in the sage. But a young guy, mid twenties. Picking himself up off the ground about 75 feet ahead of me and 15 feet below. He’d been launched from the motorcycle which was in terrible shape about 30 feet from him. I told him to stay still and went through a quick evaluation. He was basically fine, but super rattled (ended up
Having a broken collar bone and a mild
Anyway, it’s not a ghost story. But I was absolutely certain I’d just seen a person die. And was completely shocked to find him in fine form if a little shaken up.
When I was 16 I had a junky convertible 1989 Capri. I loved that car. One night I was driving the backroads home out in the middle of nowhere Missouri. Top down, enjoying the night air. I dove under some low hanging trees and heard a weird SLAP noise from the backseat. Turned around to see a huge black snake frantically slithering towards the safety of under my seat. I nearly wrecked. I hate snakes and even though this rat snake was 100% harmless I was panicked. Pulled over screaming and called my dad to come de-snake my car.
I never road with the top down in the country again.
I was 19 driving home from my then bf house and stopped at a red light on the very edge of town (like city lights behind me but corn fields and shelter belts ahead of me) because it’s like 2 in the morning I’m the only one sitting at the red light. I saw something moving in my peripherals and because of my location I thought it was gonna be a deer. I turned my head and locked eyes with a man maybe in his 50s creeping towards my car. When he saw that I saw him he froze and it was then then that I noticed he had a tire iron. I ran the red light and sped out of there.
Getting a feeling that I needed to turn my brights on in a dark spot in the middle of town … And there ended up being 4 deer just chilling in the road that I wouldn’t have seen until I was much closer.
Scariest thing was this dude who was hitchhiking except something was strange about him. He wore his hoodie down when it wasn’t raining, it was actually a hot humid night in Alabama, and also his other arm was behind his back. When I passed him by I looked on my rear view mirror and saw behind his back was a shotgun.
This was quite recent … with the popularization of the app ” randonautica ” I decided with some friends to go see some locations, we went to a first one … nothing special, a small square without much to see … in the second when we were driving to her we see on a post a photo of us in the first location … someone was following us. one of my friends suggested to go to the second location (to which we were driving) explore it and return to the house (while our plan at first was to spend the whole night exploring locations) then, we arrived at the second location and the same as the first … nothing special until we saw that there was a box on a park bench … a box with a paper written in binary code and with a link from google maps, we translated the binary code … it said ” Do you want us to go for some fun? ” We did not understand the message until we saw the google maps link … it was the location of my best friend’s house.
A friend and I were driving down some gravel roads one night, aimlessly turning and trying to get lost and find our way back home out of boredom.
So we’re driving down a long stretch and it’s pitch black out, no houses or lights nearby just the gravel and fields around us. Suddenly I see a large, black mass running next to the car and keeping up with us. I scream and point, my friend screams and slams on the brakes. We’re both in sheer panic mode as this thing stops and turns around to run back at the car. I thought this was the end. Some paranormal creature was about to k*ll us.. annnnd it was just a big, black, wild dog.