“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
I didn’t even realize until afterward that when I’d slammed on the brakes my wife had slid off the seat and onto the floor (this was before seat belts were mandatory). She groggily gets up off the floor and asks me, “What the hell happened??” She’d missed the entire ordeal.
/ Certainly not “unexplainable”, but it scared the S**T out of me! I’ve never come so close to k*lling someone in my life, and I truly hope I never do again!
Driving aimlessly around at two or three in the morning on a minor highway – almost no other cars around because it’s a weeknight.
Suddenly my headlights illuminate something on the median and it looks for all intents and purposes to be a body wrapped in a sheet.
I should’ve just pulled over then backed up, but I decided to take the next exit, turn around and come back, which I did but the exits were far apart and it took me longer to get back than I would’ve liked.
I ended up passing it again so only got another quick glance (and it still looked like a sheet-wrapped body), but pulled over onto the median and parked my truck and started to walk back towards it when I heard rustling in the trees (median had trees and scrub bushes). I’m sure it was just an animal, but it was a loud rustling so I just ran to my car and sped off.
I kept looking in the newspaper (pre-internet) to see if I saw any mention of it but never saw anything.
I once saw something late at night in the headlights on a dark country road which was sandy coloured, about the size of a small cat with about twenty feet of tail following it, running really quickly, real wtf stuff.
some thirty years pass, and then I find out on reddit what it was.