“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
Someone posted a video of a pale rat with lots of smaller rats all holding onto each others tails and running like that.
My sister and I stopped along Interstate 5 in Oregon in a super random countryside pull out to check something in the car and I look over at her and she’s staring wide-eyred at the door behind me. I turn around just in time to see a hippy guy (probably just homeless guys) reach for the unlocked back door. I screamed “Peel out!!”.and she did covering him with gravel. But c’mon he wasn’t even hitchhiking. He appeared out of a ditch. So we are grown and screaming our damn asses off which turns into uproarious laughter. Just a bunch super scared emotions. Poor guy (if he wasn’t a k*ller).
Oh man i work night shift so im driving at funky hours all the time this is my time to shine.
So one time i got sent home early from work (was sick) and i decided to take the longer and slower but safer easier way home (normal way takes me 25-30 min but depending on the lights this way is like 40 min) so i didnt have to concentrate on the road as much. I was going through the town, managed to make all the lights so far, its like 3:15am so noones on the road or anything, cool misty night and as usually i get a red light so i slow down and stop. I know this light is going to take a while so i whip out my phone to find a new song and as im scrolling through spotify to find one i hear a bang on my passenger side door. Scared the s**t out of me and i dropped my phone on the floor and looked over and at first theres nothing at the window but then slowly a middle aged drunk man rises from the bottom of the window smiling like a creep and just stops in the middle of the window and slowly starts tilting his head side to side. Needless to say thats the only time ive ever ran a red light and touched the redline on my car.