“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
Another time i was taking my normal way home, i normally finish at 6 but schduleing issues at work i got sent home at 4am, its around 4:20am now, im doing like 125kph on the back streets heading towards my house, high beams on and music blaring having a grand old time. Come round the corner and its quite a long road but up the road a small ways i see someone in the middle of the road wearing a white hoodie so i flick my high beams off and start slowing down thinking he was gonna move. I stopped say 2 or 3 meters away from “him” and see that its a white sheet drapped over a standing stick thing with a piece of paper attacted in big bold writing saying “Come up close, Have a look”. Now im not sure if it was some teenagers having some fun or if when i got out i was going to get jumped but not being an idiot, I very quickly floored it around the sheet and floored it home. Got home and made triple sure everything was locked.
I have a few more but those 2 are the major ones that jump to mind. Also i am terrible at spelling and at grammar so im sorry for that =(.
The scariest thing I’ve seen was another driver try and drive straight through a roundabout and hit the sign that said “roundabout”. It didn’t compute at first—very surreal.
Bright lights… I have astigmatism and get halo’s on bright lights really bad. When going through construction or something and there are a lot of headlights coming at me it’s damn near impossible to see the road. Scares the s**t out of me sometimes.
My family used to go out on little drives together sometimes for fun in the spring to watch all the run off water from the snow melt. We live in the rural prairies of Canada. Were on a back road slowly winding the edge of a prickly hay field with a tiny trickling ditch river beside us, its the golden hour, the returning geese are dotting the water gathered in the fields for miles. A scene Van Gogh might wanna paint, ya know? Anyways, we’re driving along when this enormous moose thunders out of nowhere at top speed right in front of our car. She heads through the field right beside us and straight toward some water that had pooled at bottom of a little hill in the field. Very wide puddle, but looked maybe a foot deep at most. She made it a few feet in to the water then suddenly fell into an unsuspecting abyss below and vanished completely.
I don’t even know how long it was but it felt like ages, she eventually emerged ~40ft away on the opposite side of the “puddle” and kept on running like she didn’t just slip in to mariannas trench.