“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
Its about 6ft from hoof to shoulder on a female moose. Theyre absolutely huge, larger than horses and she completely vanished. Ill never forget it.
Driving down a Michigan country road at about 2-3am. See something in the road up ahead, was pretty sure it was some kind of trailer or wagon or something. By the time I get up to it, I realize it’s not a trailer, It’s a f*****g horse, just standing in the road. He watched me drive by him really slow. Didn’t move, just stood there. I was going to call animal control, but I figured f**k it, let him have his fun.
I was driving home one night after working a 18 hour day it was brutal but I was so tired because I’d also had a long week I was having hallucinations I parked up in the side of the road by some big warehouse and fell asleep I woke up with the green neon sign outside the warehouse flickering I then thought I saw a group of men running towards my car so I started with he car a took off quick as I’m driving again I feel like someone is hiding in my backseat so I brake really hard to try and send them crashing forward into the front of the car and as I did this I realized it was just a jacket on the back seat.
My family and I took a trip to Australia when I was 9, and a distinct memory I have is when we were driving between a forest area and fields at around 11 pm. We spent a little too long walking around Gold Coast and got held up, so we were late to our Airbnb. My sister and I were asleep in the backseat, and due to me being a light sleeper, I woke up when I heard my mom saying “What the hell”. Got up, looked out the window like my curious 9-year-old self, and I watched as we drove past roughly 5 people standing on the side of the road in a row, staring at us as we passed. I was creeped out, but still looked through the back windscreen, and there were more people on the other side of the road. I couldn’t see clearly at that point, but I assume there was another 5 people on the other side. It was the first really unexplainable thing I’ve seen in my life.
I had recently got followed to work for 30 minutes just so they could yell at me and phone the police on me for cutting them off.
2 weeks later I was being followed and no matter how often I changed directions they followed me. I now have ptsd of being followed so I was panicking.